Bulgur with cream of mushroom soup as a quick side dish
This fine creamy bulgur is super quick to make and goes well with chicken or fish. I made it with fish today and it really was a complete hit!
Preparation steps
- Wash the bulgur well under running water and drain. Set aside.
- Cook the mushroom cream soup according to the instructions on the bag, add the bulgur, cook for another 2-3 minutes, stir well, and remove from the oven. Cover and let stand for about 15 minutes.
- In those 15 minutes, the bulgur will absorb all the liquid from the soup and become soft and creamy. Stir in the chopped parsley and season with pepper and salt if desired.
This time I served it with fish (whiting) and fresh green peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. Since I really like cream of mushroom soup, but I don't cook it in the summer, this was a new and different substitute for me. :)