Swan Lake, decoration instructions
Decoration instructions. This is done on a dummy cake, but in principle any cake can be suitable for coating with fondant.
Preparation steps
- The process of making swans is here
- Instructions for royal icing can be found here
- Coat the base with white fondant, then coat the cake with white fondant, smooth well, and place it on the base so that there is more space on the front and smooth the joint. Make the edge of the lake on top and on the base, the hills on top and a couple on the side and press a couple of wavy lines on the cake. Coat half of the cell-blocks balls with fondant, put them on the wire and insert them into the cake (if the dummy cake can be made directly, if it is a real cake then use a flower pick or a thick straw so that the wire doesn't go directly into the cake), like this: Step one
- Then shade with mother-of-pearl in various shades of blue, purple and a little cream, using a sponge instead of a brush, like this: Step two
- Put a teaspoon of royal icing in a decorating bag that you cut off the top in a "v" shape, then pull out the icicles and apply a couple of strategically selected places with a little zigzag motion of your hand and then dab with a snow brush, like this: Step three
- The most complicated part is water, which in this case is from boiled sugar. You can use sugar that cooks up to 153 degrees or isomalt that cooks up to 171. Personally, I prefer to use sugar, but in summer I do everything with isomalt because it is a bit more resistant to moisture. For sugar, the recipe is here for the isomalt version, the recipe is here, in both cases just add the blue color when it is already cooked. Pour the boiled sugar onto the baking paper and then roll the edges towards the middle with a silicone spatula so that the temperature is even, and then while it is still hot and pliable and it has stopped sticking to the spatula, fold it a couple of times (less than drawn sugar, just one 2-3 times to be less transparent and more shiny), then stretch and transfer to the vine. And so until you fill all the parts, if the sugar has hardened, heat it a little in the microwave. Take pieces of sugar, heat on the stove flame and stick to the bottom of the swan. and swan stick on the cake. Repeat with the other swan. Glue a couple of pieces of rock sugar in the same way as a piece of ice along the edge of the lake.
- Almost 1, 2 and 3
- Close 1 and 2
I saw a similar idea for decorating in the templates for Fantasy Castle (although there is a piping gel for water, and I don't like it, I've used it before but the smell is quite repulsive so I avoid it if I don't have to) and there are some differences As for the procedure and the final look, the most interesting thing for me is to come up with a design, and for the technique I combine from a pile of books some of my methods that are the easiest for me to work with.