Rosa Cooking

Slippery cream pancakes

Try the pancakes in a slightly different way. Creamy, frothy, tasty, and mostly eaten in one go, with afternoon coffee.

Preparation steps

  • Whisk the egg yolks and sugar well to make them like cream, add flour and milk alternately and mix everything well.
  • Beat the egg whites until stiff, add a little salt, add water (spoon by spoon) and mix a little more.
  • Mix the first and second mixture lightly, making sure that the snow does not fall (not with a mixer!)
  • Bake the resulting mixture in a pan (oil the pan a little so that the pancake does not stick, it must slide off the pan when it is done) only on one side, it is ready very quickly, be careful not to burn it
  • Arrange them on a plate like a cake on top of each other, with the baked side facing up
  • Spread one pancake with the prepared jam (do not press!), Sprinkle the next with walnuts and so alternately, coat the last one with jam and sprinkle with walnuts.
  • From the resulting mixture should get 8-9 pancakes
  • for stuffing
  • In a bowl, mix the walnuts and vanilla sugar
  • Dilute the jam with hot water to make it easier to spread. If the jam is sweet, add lemon juice to it, stir well.


Try to be precise when stacking the cake, so that the pancakes fall on top of each other as accurately as possible so that they do not slip. Everything is done very quickly because baking takes a short time, and you have to be quick so that the mixture does not fall. Leave the finished cake in the refrigerator to cool well, then call a friend, make coffee and enjoy!


pancakes papacinke

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