# slanisi
A teased cake
Bread as a warm appetizer, looks very nice on the table when you take any cheese that is not very soluble… :))
Baked ala pizza
When I can’t knead pizza dough, this recipe comes to me as a great substitute for the original pizza. Most importantly, it is done quickly and is very tasty.
Barbell cocktail
Airy, crispy and very tasty
Big pretzels
Here is another version of pastries that I often make with salt topping… I remember when I was little I just peeled it and ate it and put the pretzel back :)
Bread with salami
Another slanis .. very tasty, a substitute for a hot sandwich
Infectious salts - and from them you can get a beer belly :))
You can make quick and fine… shapes as you like and I have adapted them to my little ones
Cheese burekčići
A simple dish, especially suitable for children's birthdays, but also for every day. Burekčići are even more beautiful if they are made with homemade fresh cheese.
Turkish ethno dishes remind us that small snacks "in a hurry" are much older than modern fast food, and Jasna Tomić revealed to us pide, buns made of leavened dough with a filling of meat, vegetables and cheese.
Cracker cakes
We Slavonians always have cracklings in the freezer, this is an old recipe from my grandmother for cakes, the simplest one….
With melted cheese, soft, homemade ....
Out of a total of 9 types of recipes I have, this one is the best for me.
Donuts with hot dogs
Hot dogs can be prepared in various ways. Children especially love them, they were in dough, cooked, toasted. I would be very glad if you try them this way.
Fire beans
You love beans, but are you already bored prepared always the same way? Try this recipe for preparing beans with the addition of tabasco and a refreshing mint aroma that instantly turns into a fiery side dish or a stand-alone dish that will wake everyone up.

Snacks for the whole street or building - depending on where you live :))
Hawaiian roses
Another recipe of my hardworking friend Dojna… gibanica I love in all forms, but this one will be on our table regularly from now on. It is ideal for larger celebrations on the buffet table, because even cold is delicious and soft.