Rosa Cooking

Poppy seed baklava

There are a lot of recipes for poppy seed baklava, but I didn't come across enough syrup in any of them, so the baklava would turn out dry, not sweet enough, etc. This recipe I came up with after full-baked baklava delighted me because baklava is juicy and really not too sweet! Try it !!

Preparation steps

  • Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar. Then add yogurt, oil, oven. and poppy seeds. Mix everything and arrange a row of crusts (two by two), a row of mixture and on top are crusts. Before baking, cut it into cubes and pour over half a dcl of milk and half a dcl of oil. Bake at 180 c for about half an hour. Bring water and sugar to a boil and leave on low heat to boil while the baklava is baking. Squeeze one lemon as well. When the baklava is baked, pour the syrup over it and return it to the stove for another ten minutes to bake.


baklava poppy

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