Rosa Cooking

Mozart kuglof

kugloff is definitely the "king" among sweets, but no one still knows for sure exactly when and where it was made ... it is considered the oldest cake with many modeled "variations on the theme" .... kugloff was a traditional cake in the French province of Alsace - it is made with flour, milk and raisins..served exclusively in powerful courts throughout Europe ... only exceptionally, a rich and privileged minority could afford it ... it was sold in rich shops wrapped in paper as well as bread and other pastries, only the price was very high, so few could buy it ... here are some historical facts not to be forgotten;)))

Preparation steps

  • FOR CHOCOLATE DOUGH: Whisk together the butter, sugar and vanilla sugar. lightly add one egg at a time, stirring constantly, try to whisk each egg separately (if you have time) you will get an exceptionally nice and smooth mass.
  • Add the flour in which you mixed the baking powder, then the chocolate, coconut, cocoa, hazelnuts, add the mineral water and rum as well.
  • Coat the kuglof mold (22 cm) with melted butter and sprinkle with crumbs, remove the excess. Bake the kuglof in a preheated oven at 180C-50 minutes.
  • Make sure it is baked, leave it in the mold for 5-10 minutes to rest. Drizzle it with chocolate glaze and decorate as desired.


serve it with wine, it is traditionally believed that dark kugloffe is accompanied by red and red wines, and light kugloffe by white wines ...


cake kuglofff

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