Rosa Cooking

How to eat fruit properly

I received this by e-mail, so maybe it will be useful to someone else ... In any case, it can't hurt :) If I knew the source, I would definitely mention it, if any of you know, let me know! .)

Preparation steps

  • It is important to know how and when to eat fruit. FRUIT SHOULD NOT BE EAT BEHIND MEALS! FRUIT SHOULD BE EAT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. Eating fruit plays a major role in detoxifying the body, which supplies it with a large amount of energy for weight loss and other life activities. FRUIT FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD Let’s say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. A piece of fruit is ready to pass straight through the stomach into the intestines, but the bread prevents it from doing so. Meanwhile, the whole meal decomposes, ferments and turns into acid. An insignificant amount of fruit comes into contact with food in the stomach, improves digestion and juices, and the whole mass of ingested food begins to spoil. Eat fruit on an empty stomach, before meals! Fruit mixed with other foods causes putrefaction and produces gas. Therefore, bloating and other digestive problems occur! The exceptions are some fruits, such as oranges and lemons, because they are acidic, so in our body this fruit becomes alkaline. If you eat fruit the right way, you will be able to discover all the secrets of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. If you like fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, not concentrate and canned juices. Do not drink heated juice. Don’t eat cooked fruit either, because then you don’t get its nutrients at all. You just get - the taste. Cooking destroys all vitamins. Eating fresh fruit is better than drinking juices. If you drink fruit juice, drink it slowly - sip by sip, because you have to mix it with saliva before swallowing. You can eat fruit every 3rd day to quickly cleanse the body of toxins. If you eat only fruit and drink fruit juice for 3 days you will feel and look refreshed. KIWI: Small but powerful, and a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice as high as that of oranges! Does APPLE really prevent going to the doctor? Although the apple has a low content of vitamin C, it is antioxidant and flavonoid (contains a group of organic components in the peel of the fruit) and increases the active action of vitamin C, helping to reduce the risk of colon cancer and heart attack and stroke. STRAWBERRY: Strawberry is a protective fruit. Strawberries belong to the group of the main fruit, which has the greatest antioxidant power and protects the body from cancer, clogging of blood vessels, free radicals. Consuming 2 - 4 ORANGES a day can protect you from colds, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. WATERMELON: is the best drink to quench thirst. It is made up of 92% water and is also rich in huge doses of glutathione, which helps and boosts our immune system. It is also a key source of lycopene, an oxidant in the fight against cancer. Watermelons contain: vitamin C and potassium. GUAVA AND PAPAYA: Guava and papaya are rich in vitamin C. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation (hard stools and constipation). Papaya is rich in carotene and works well on eyesight. Do not drink cold water / beverages after a meal! Most of us like to drink a cold drink after a meal, but cold water will solidify the fatty substances you have just consumed, which will slow down digestion. When these ‘deposits’ react with acid, they will break down and be absorbed in the gut faster than solid food and will settle along the gut. Very quickly, it will turn into fat. It is best to drink warm soup or warm water / tea after a meal.


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