Rosa Cooking

Fondant mass for flowers (gum paste)

The gum paste can be rolled out very thin so it allows you to make flowers with an almost natural look. It should be stored in a plastic bag and then in a plastic box hermetically sealed. Its shelf life is 2 weeks at room temperature.

Preparation steps

  • In a large bowl, mix the tilose and 3 salts of powdered sugar. Make a recess in the middle and set aside. Mix water and glucose, heat in the microwave for 30 seconds (or steam) until translucent. Pour in the mixture of sugar and tilose and mix until combined (the mixture will be very soft). Put in a plastic bag and tie well, leave at room temperature for 8 hours or overnight. Mix the remaining powdered sugar salt into the gum paste when ready to use. The gum paste will be very hard, so tear off the small pieces and mix them until soft. As the sugar blends with the mixture it will become whiter and softer.


Various cake decorations can be made


castor sugar decorations gumpasta

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The orange peel is ideal for preparing many desserts, especially holiday ones, and the grated one will perfectly flavor the pancake batter. You will easily make pieces of candied orange peel by following the instructions.

Clown sandwich

The happiest among the sandwiches took the form of a clown, and in it are hidden ham, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and olives. Play creatively, include those for whom the meal is intended, and then enjoy the fruits of labor together.

Dome of pancakes

So that the pancakes would not always be with your favorite jam or nuts, we suggest that you surprise your family with a dome of pancakes and ham. And for decoration, use parsley leaves.

Eggs punks

Simple eggs with a punk stick hairstyle will brighten up an imaginative menu for a child’s birthday. You can also leave the "haircut" of the eggs to the kids, let them be messy and disheveled, and there can be a bald man here and there.

Flower cake

Preparing this exciting dessert has an almost therapeutic, anti-stress effect: take enough time, let Flowers in the Window away from Travis, follow the instructions, and at the end of the process you will feel fulfilled, happy and calm!

Imam bayildi (stuffed eggplant)

Imam bayildi (stuffed eggplant)

The story goes that the original name of this Turkish dish says that the Imam fainted. Surely the eggplants prepared this way were so delicious to him.

Small toast sandwiches

Everyone loves hot sandwiches. They are ideal for dinner, a snack or for a stay in nature. For children, cut them into interesting shapes and serve with mayonnaise and ketchup sauce.

Snail husband

"Snail husband, let the horns out" ... But this delicious snail made of carrots, mozzarella and chopsticks will not be resisted by any kid. An interesting addition to children's roćkas.