Rosa Cooking

Absolutely healthy pizza :)

Well, what can I tell you, except - I felt like this! and I wasn't wrong..although it contains only healthy ingredients, it tastes great and your conscience won't bite if you completely surrender to it :)

Absolutely healthy pizza :)

Preparation steps

  • Dough: mix all three types of flour, add dry yeast, water and other ingredients and knead until you get a mass that is not sticky to the fingers. If this happens, add a little more flour to form the desired mass. Leave the dough covered with a cloth for 2 hours.
  • When the dough rises, roll it out in an oiled pan, let it stand for a few minutes and then fill it. Peel the dough first, sprinkle with a little oregano, then arrange the grated cheese, vegetables and finally a little prosciutto. Sprinkle a little more oregano on top and place in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. Bake for about half an hour.
  • The stated amount of dough and filling was enough for two pizzas with a diameter of 26 cm. If you want, you can bake it at once in a large pan.
  • Look for more recipes like this on the Healthy Diet


bukovace pizza vegetables

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