# zlevanka
An ordinary drink
Zlevanka is a traditional Međimurje dish, and it is also characteristic of all parts of the northern Croatian climate, so it is called differently in different parts: zlevka, zljevka… It is great as dinner, or as a simple dessert when you don't know what to bake sweet :-)
Autumn Zlevanka!
This is my quick and healthy version of zlevanka! Instead of cheese I used roasted pumpkin prie! The finest and fastest cake for morning coffee! Good apetite!
My favorite cake. Simple, fast and fine. While many have commented that they know what a baslamacha is, when they would try “our” version, others were amazed because it’s almost something else than they thought. e pa sad :)
Bazlamacha or zlevanka
special jeeee ....
Biberly shit
A quick breakfast or lunch or maybe dinner. . .
British zlevka :)
This recipe was created as an attempt to replace the homemade, Balkan ingredients from one of the many traditional recipes for zlevka / zlevanka / zaljevak / proju / livacu with ingredients I often use in England. And the result did not disappoint!
Cake with cheese and blueberries
One healthy cake, without flour ..
Casserole with fresh cheese
when you don't know what to do, and sometimes change comes in handy, then the casserole is the right choice, and it can also be made for breakfast or dinner ...
Are you hungry, and you only have a packet of mushrooms, a couple of eggs and yogurt in the fridge? Great, this is a one-speed mushroom pie without bark, it can be made from mushrooms themselves, but also from various other types of mushrooms, the more the better! Since autumn is the age of mushrooms, enjoy its gifts and whisk this pie as a main course, appetizer or light dinner.
Cheese without bark
This wonderful cheesecake will delight you and your guests, I have to make it every time they announce it :)

We cook or bake fresh corn, and we use its grains in mixed vegetable dishes, compotes, maneštra or in the form of corn flour. The cornflower awakens nostalgia and fits into the trend of authentic local cuisine. The recipe has been tried and adapted according to the original provided by the Association "Lovers of Lokvar Antiquities".

Corn basil with cherries
Thanks to Vesna, the mom of my best friend, who revealed to me the exquisite combination with cherries, which I adore in cakes! : *
Corn cake
..a leafing through old recipes, I also found this one from my grandmother..almost forgotten, I made it just for you !! Here you go !!
Corn cake
Today, more and more cakes are being prepared with cream, whipped cream, here is a cake made by our grandmothers ...

Corn ingot
Corn zlevka is a dish of simple, folk cuisine. Prepared from foods that were then an integral part of the pantry, even today the taste will not disappoint.
Corn ingot
You can make cornstarch in many ways, this is just one. I make it personally with milk, the addition of fresh yeast instead of baking powder, with and without jam, the addition of fruit (apples, cherries), here is yogurt. It is a combination of smooth flour and corn flour, although I also prepared it with corn grits. In my area we also call it prova (projka of miles). The picture is a working version, I liked the color contrast. The yellow color is intense because the eggs are home-made, the jam is reddish (of course from, so are we cool or not ha ha) and the contrast is there.