Rosa Cooking

Slow cooker apple jam (krcko)

This year as well as last year, we received a lot of apples from friends. Of course with such a large amount of apples something must be done so that they do not fail. Since I decided to use a fairly large amount to make jam, I wanted to try how it will be, if it is cooked in a slow cooker.Since I made it a few days ago, I don’t stop saying how I could only struggle all these years.I have never made jam easier and it has never been better.

Preparation steps

  • Squeeze the lemon juice and set aside.
  • Wash the apples, clean them of seeds and cut them into quarters. It doesn't matter how big the apples will be, because they will grind later. Pour lemon juice over the cut apples so that they don't darken.
  • This is quite a large amount of apples and I made them in three cakes. You can reduce the amount if you wish. Since I divided the apples into 3 parts, I made each one a little different. So I put about 4.5 kg of apples in each pot.
  • First type: Mix 1.5 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2.5 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of cinnamon and cloves. - Put a part of apples in the crust, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and spices and work until the crust is full. - Cover and cook at the highest temperature for 8 hours. (I put mine to cook overnight) - After 8 hours, mix the jam and cover in half. - Cook for 4 hours, stirring occasionally. - After 4 hours, grind the apples with a stick mixer. - Cook uncovered with occasional stirring for 3-4 hours, depending on the strength of the crunch and how thick you want the jam to be.
  • Second type: - 4.5 salt of sugar - Put a part of apples in the pot and sprinkle with sugar. Do this until you have used up everything and fill the pot. - The cooking procedure is the same as for the first type.
  • Third type: - Add 3 teaspoons of cinnamon to 4.5 tablespoons of sugar and mix. - Repeat the same procedure with arranging the ingredients and cooking.
  • Wash and dry the jars in which you will keep the jam well. Place the jars and lids on the baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 110 degrees. Allow to heat in the oven for about thirty minutes.
  • Pour the hot jam into the hot jars (while pouring the jam, keep the rest of the jars in the oven on). Close the jars tightly, turn them upside down with the lid down and allow the jam to cool completely.
  • I never put any preservatives in jams and always keep them in the freezer. That way they can stay fresh for much longer. I started doing this more than 20 years ago because we lived in a city where it is quite warm all year round and there is no basement.
  • I got 15 jars of 450 g and 2 smaller jars of 225 g from this quantity.
  • Pleasant :-)