Privarok from one pot
Slovak traditional privarok is only made of potatoes (potatoes, flour, sour cream, lemon juice, bay leaf ....), served with a loaf of minced meat .. .. this is a variant of a pot with vegetables and smoked meat. I have a recipe from my friend from eastern Slovakia .. very simple and delicious .. one of our favorite lunches.

Preparation steps
- put smoked meat in a pot, add peeled carrots, celery, parsley root, potatoes, bay leaf, water, pepper .. cook over low heat until potatoes and smoked meat are soft ..
- when everything is soft .. put the meat out of the pot
- mix vegetables with potatoes well with a stick mixer .. add a little salt to taste, lemon juice - for a sour taste .. drops of whipped cream ..
- .. we serve warm ..
Good apetite! :)