Nutella Torta
It's time for me to sweeten up a bit too :) I've been wanting to do something for a long time, but something always interferes with my plan ... last night he found the time and did it :)
Preparation steps
- Separate the egg yolks and egg whites.
- Whisk the egg yolks with half of the total sugar. (Add vanilla sugar to the sugar.)
- Whisk the egg whites with the rest of the sugar into the solid snow.
- Add nutella, 1/3 of snow to the egg yolks and gradually add the sifted flour mixed with p.p. finally add the remaining snow and mix everything together.
- Feel free to mix with a mixer.
- Bake at 180C for about 30 minutes or more.
- I baked in a cake mold size 26 and got 4 crusts.
- I baked from twice, they were too thick for me to leave or I only had 3.
- Cream
- Mix the sweet sauce into a solid and then add the nutella and mix everything well.
- Bay
- Swirl the water and add the sugar, when it cools moisten the biscuits.
- And that's it.
- Moisten the crust with the bay, coat with cream and done.
- You can pour it only with chocolate glaze or cream, it's up to you :)
- I experimented a bit with some Wilton cream, so I wanted to make fondant and coat the cake with it ... I didn't. I stayed on that cream just so it wasn't hot but I'm satisfied :)