# holipi

Chocolate muesli
This simple meal is more than a hearty meal for the kids. Athletes, teenagers and busy people who like healthy, sweet, filling at the same time on a plate - and quickly, let them immediately cheer themselves and their friends with it.
Crispy biscuit rolls
Mmmm ...
Flambéed ice cream
If you are thrilled by the effective fire that burns when flambéing, don't be afraid to have hidden arsonist passions! Rather, it would be said that you like to indulge your eyes with pleasure, as well as your sense of taste!

Ice cream cup Zrinjevac
With its nutrition and taste, ice cream can replace the whole meal, if it is dairy, and especially if it is supplemented with fruit, biscuits and the like. Let your imagination run wild.
Ice rhapsody
Cold, shaky creams have become a very fancy dessert with coffee. They cannot be classified as ice cream or classic cakes, and that is why they will fill the gap that occurs when we are looking for a dessert that will not burden us too much after a hearty lunch.