Rosa Cooking

Flower and braid for Palm Sunday

Last year we received some of their traditional cake as a gift from Trieste. It looked like cheesecake, but inside it was stuffed, wrapped and juicy. By composition it was almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, etc. Here is my attempt.

Preparation steps

  • Knead the dough and let it rise for 30 minutes.
  • Mix it and divide it into 6 equal parts. From each part make a roller about 35 cm long and roll it out in half cm.
  • Fill with half of the stuffing and roll so that you get two rolls from each stuffing.
  • Take one from each type and knit two braids.
  • Wrap the braid in a flower circle or leave as a braid. Spread with beaten egg, sprinkle with almonds, crystal sugar.
  • Bake on a 160 * C braid for about 30 minutes, and the flower for about 40-45 minutes. Test with a toothpick if it is baked. Coat hot with honey.


My annoying raisins and candied zest so I didn’t put them on, but I think that would complete the fillings even more.


braid easter

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