# fasir
Bacon stuffing on creamy potatoes !!!
Here's a slightly different way to prepare packaged steaks, and the end result is fantastic, juicy pasta and wonderful creamy potatoes !!!

Baked meatballs on rice
Another one of the hundreds of ways to save meatballs… ...
Breaded stuffed burgers
And why not? Mine adore them! You can work with any minced meat. The ones in the picture are made of minced turkey (which, by the way, is top quality).
Burger baked in the oven
today's lunch-dinner :)
Cheese roll
minced meat is given by god, in a million ways
Chicken stuffing with eggs
After Easter you will have the eggs you have left, here is one way to use them for lunch, which is really wonderful. I haven't been so thrilled with fascists this long ago, as I am with these today.
Chinese minced meat steak
Another one of my steaks called Chinese, and I don't know why… Super fast and very juicy…
Chinese snicle
Neither is the recipe from China nor are the snicles, and if they are beautiful, they are beautiful.
Different cofte (steak)
The recipe was rewritten a couple of years ago, from a magazine, but I never made it. Tonight for the first time, I changed something a little from the original, and I can tell you that I regretted not trying it earlier. The taste is phenomenal… .. That's what emce said , from now on I can only do this to her.
Fasir snicle
This is a classic in a modern way :))) The recipe is from my mother's kitchen, but I processed it and often prepare it for my family :)))
Fire packed snicle
The recipe is from the show "Cook with the heart", simple, fast, unusual but also great in taste, so let me share it with you.
Fried chicken cevapi
Fried cevape can be served hot or cold
Frying pan with onions and meatballs
Three days ago, I saw this specialty in the show "Food and Wine" and decided to try it myself. I'll just tell you that from now on it will be common on our family menu ...
Greek minced meat roll
Who about what…
Hamburg meat loaf
You know when colleagues at work send you a whole miracle of some recipes by e-mail, so that's how I got this recipe, which was among a bunch of recipes for minced meat. Anyway, I didn't really expect anything special, however, that recipe is now the only recipe for a meat loaf I make. Excellent, refined, tasty, aromatic, mostly our family recipe.
Hidden hamburger with pineapple
Puff pastry provides extra enjoyment to this spicy dish.