Rosa Cooking

Buttermilk fromage with rabab and strawberries

A refreshing dessert for the coming summer days.

Preparation steps

  • Clean the rabab, cut it into a few cm. long pieces. Together with sugar and 1 tablespoon of water in a saucepan, cook on low heat for about 5 minutes. Add cinnamon and leave to cool. The juice left by the rabbi was set aside. (Rababu cook ONLY 5 min. Because I cooked a little longer and overcooked)
  • Strawberries clean, wash and cut in half. (Leave a little aside for decoration) Mix rababa and strawberries with buttermilk, lightly so that the fruit does not tear.
  • Soak the gelatin leaves in a little cold water. When it has softened, it is lightly drained of water and dissolved in a bowl over warm water. Allow to cool slightly and slowly stir it into the fruit and buttermilk mixture. Leave in the refrigerator to harden to half, then add the firmly mixed whipped cream, stirring carefully. Divide into bowls, drizzle with the juice that the rabbi has released during cooking. Refrigerate until serving (at least 1 hour).
  • Before serving, garnish with strawberries and sprinkle with coarsely grated chocolate.