Rosa Cooking

Boss steak

Skilled chefs present regional habits and tastes in the style of modern trends in the world. The dishes, also unusual in name, surprise with a combination of slightly dried beef tongue, fresh cow’s cheese and grated horseradish with veal.

Preparation steps

  • Thin the steaks well with a meat mallet and cut the cooked tongue into thin slices.
  • Prepare the stuffing by mixing well drained and pressed cheese with horseradish, pepper and Vegeta.
  • Arrange 1-2 slices of tongue on half of the steak, coat them with the prepared cheese filling, then cover with the tongue. Fold in the remaining half of the steak, add a little salt, then lightly beat the edges to blend.
  • So prepare the other steaks, and then roll them in flour, beaten eggs and finally in bread crumbs.
  • Place the steaks to fry in heated oil to take on a nice, golden yellow color.


Serve fried potatoes or rice-bizi and salad of your choice as a side dish.


In order for the steaks to be soft, juicy and a nice golden yellow color, it is important to bread them before frying. Frying oil should not be too high in temperature so as not to overcook and dry on the outside, but not too low because then they would absorb too much fat.


breading fried horseradish marinade meat podravina steak veal

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