Rosa Cooking

Bosnian pot

The recipe is from the net The recipe is great and is often on our table

Preparation steps

  • Dice peppers, red onions, garlic and carrots and mix with green beans. Cut the cabbage into larger pieces. Cut the meat into larger cubes. Cut the potatoes into cubes.
  • In a pot (best express) pour a little oil, arrange 1/2 cabbage, 1/2 vegetables, meat, potatoes, 1/2 vegetables, 1/2 cabbage. Mix tomato juice with a little water, add spice, pepper, a little ground pepper and pour over the cabbage to soak, cover and cook to soften. Since I make it for tomorrow, I usually don't put potatoes, and the next day I add potatoes and boil them a little more to soften the potatoes. Towards the end of cooking, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve with tomato salad and cornbread or proju.


The amount in the recipe is huge. I usually make half for the three of us and it will be for us in two days, so on the first day I set aside half, add potatoes and cook, and in the second part I add potatoes the next day.


dish lunch

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