Rosa Cooking

A breath of the sea on the mountain table

Summer has arrived in full glory and the smell of the sea seems to extend to Prigorje. In addition to the sun in our garden, chard and beans remind us of that beautiful sea, and when shark steaks are found in the shopping basket, here are ideas on how to serve a breath on the Prigorje table and write a modest retirement recipe. Who knows, maybe someone will find it good as an idea …….

A breath of the sea on the mountain table

Preparation steps

  • Wash and clean the chard and potatoes, clean the bean pods and remove the grains from the larger pods and put them to boil in salted water: first the beans, then the potatoes and after a few minutes of cooking the chard.
  • Fry the squeezed garlic briefly in a mixture of ordinary and olive oil, then put boiled and squeezed beans, potatoes and chard on top. Mix everything well, pepper and add salt if necessary.
  • Grill shark or some other fish steaks on a grill (better grilled) and when serving, salt the fish and pour over the prepared mixture of ordinary and olive oil in which squeezed garlic, finely chopped parsley and pepper are mixed.


bob fish vegetables

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